Friday, May 9, 2014


logo design tells a story by giving a overall feeling for the company itself. it could tell some of its history like when it was established or how it started like chrysler did with their logo by adding wings which stand for their start in the aircraft world, then motors for the aircraft, then motors for cars, then cars themselves. a logo can also talk about what they do now or even their future like what i thought about when i made mine. my logo has my initials KT on the rear wing of a passenger Boeing 373 plane.

Friday, April 11, 2014


Last weekend i went (late) to the e-magine festival and saw manny inspiring things. these things included but were not limited too: my best friend getting a 2nd place in the vectoring, a very impressive animation, and some nice websites. I really enjoyed seeing my classmates work.

google logo

the google logo has gone through many changes throughout the

the company of google is now one of the highest profitable companies in the world.  whether or not  you like it chances are you use it.  the logo of this company has gone through some major changes throughout the years however.

In 1998 Google's first logo came out.  Using Baskerville Bold as the font and having the colors go: green, red, yellow, blue, green, red.
The next version came quickly.  The previous logo was published september of 1998 and this newer logo came  in october and lasted till may of 1999.  Now the colors went: blue, red, yellow, blue, green, red.  Still using Baskerville bold as the typeface.  With the new blue exclamation point and the addition of a vague shadow.    this caused The logo of google to go under major scrutiny at all times and while a few people like the exclamation point most people thought it was horrid.
after that there was the google logo that most people know. however there were a few changes made.  First was a brand knew font. but the colors did not change. "Natanael Gama" is the closest resembling font for this new logo,   With a shadow at the base.  This logo was the most effective and being ultamtimately timeless because it lasted the longest, nearly ten years.
This next logo was the precedent of the logo that lasted the longest.  This logo, though is only lasted three years was the gateway to getting to todays google logo.  There are only two distinguishable differences on this next logo. First the shadows have been removed to add to simplicity.  Second is that the highlight have been brought back to make it seem more chill and to add to simplicity.
This next logo is the most recent google logo.  This logo has close to know differences from the previous.  The only real difference is that the highlight have been completely eliminated.  This adds to simplicity and also the colors have been brightened a little make them more monotone and easier to recognize

movie poster

I chose the movie Convoy because of the things going on in it. i really in joy the fact that their is actual trucks in the tread pattern. however i'm not quite sure what that animal in the tread pattern is about.

two words, even spacing. thats the key to to having perfect kerning. thats exactly what i learned from this assignment. i also learned that the height of the letters also matters. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

how do the things i value reveal my personal story?

the things i value reveal my personal story by making me whole. i need these things in order to become whole however if i didn't have these things i could still live.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

i was not able to attend this fiel trip, but i do know that Miles Neidinger has a massive recent piece that just really captures (what i think is a) tree but its made up of tiny drinking straws and clear/black rope. its officially called "the anatomy of the palace of wisdom" but i think it should be called the drinks of life. "the marriage of heaven and hell" (which Neidinger references to his piece) i think really descibes his piece.